Toni Choueiri, MD, FASCO
Professor, Harvard, USA
Member of the SAB
Tieteellinen neuvonantajaryhmämme (Scientific Advisory Board, SAB) koostuu maailman johtavista immunologeista ja onkologeista sekä alan ammattilaisista, jotka ovat johtaneet merkittäviä tutkimus- ja kehitysohjelmia aina tuotteiden onnistuneeseen kaupallistamiseen saakka. SAB:n jäsenillä on yhteensä yli sadan vuoden kokemus bioteknologian ja lääketeollisuuden alalta.
Professor, Harvard, USA
Member of the SAB
Toni Choueiri is the Jerome and Nancy Kohlberg Chair and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, the Director of the Lank Center for Genitourinary (GU) Oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and co-leader of the Kidney Cancer Program at Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center. He serves at the US National comprehensive cancer network (NCCN) panel. He has over 800 PubMed indexed publications and is the lead investigator in multiple international phase 1-3 trials. In a series of NEJM articles on which Dr Choueiri was either first or last author, he has made seminal observations leading to multiple FDA and EMA approvals.
Professor, Barts Cancer Center, London
Member of the SAB
Tom Powles is a professor of urology cancer at the University of London and the Director of Barts Cancer Centre which is one of the UKs largest Cancer Centres. Prof Powles is also editor-in-chief of Annals of Oncology, the leading European oncology scientific journal. He has had a major role in the development of biomarkers and new drug strategies leading to multiple FDA and EMA approvals. He has authored 10 NEJM or Lancet publications with two first author NEJM publications and two first author Nature publications. He was named in December 2023 in TIME’s list among the most influential people in global health.
Associate Professor, Yale, USA
Member of the SAB
Amer Zeidan is a Associate Professor of Medicine, Chief of Hematologic Malignancies Division, Director of Hematology Early Therapeutics Research, and leader of the clinical program and the Clinical Research Team for Leukemia and Myeloid Malignancies at Yale Cancer Center. Dr. Zeidan specializes in the management of myeloid malignancies especially MDS and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). His research and clinical care focus on targeting therapies to a patient’s diagnosis and working with their own immune system to counter the malignancies. He has published over 330 peer-reviewed publications and is the principal investigator on numerous phase 2 and 3 clinical trials in the areas of acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes.
Professor, MD Anderson, CCC
Member of the SAB
Naval G. Daver is a Professor and Director of the Leukemia Research Alliance Program in the Department of Leukemia at MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) in Houston, TX. He is a clinical investigator with a focus on molecular and immune therapies in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myeloid disease and is principal investigator on more than 25 ongoing institutional, national, and international clinical trials in these diseases, including multiple registration and label enabling trials. Prof Daver has published over 400 peer-reviewed manuscripts and is on the editorial board of numerous hematology journals.
Adjunct Professor, HUS, CCC
Member of the SAB
Mika Kontro is an adjunct professor and a consultant in clinical hematology at the Helsinki University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Mika currently works as K. Albin Johannson Cancer Research Fellow (Finnish Cancer Institute) and as a group leader in Finnish Institute of molecular medicine, FIMM. He has a strong background in running clinical trials and was selected at 2017 for European Hematology Association Clinical Research Training program (CRTH).he currently chairs the Finnish AML group and is a board member of the Nordic AML Group.
Professor, Gustave Roussy CCC, Paris
Member of the SAB
He is Consultant Medical Oncologist, and full-time cancer specialist at Gustave Roussy. He is primarily involved in translational cancer research and the design and conduct of early-phase biomarker-driven clinical trials, with a special interest in Genito urinary cancer and Central Nervous System tumor.
Dr Massard is member of ESMO, ASCO, AACR. Over the last 5 years, he was the principal investigators of 15 phase I trials, 1 phase II trial (prostate cancer), and sub investigator of more than 80 clinical trials (phase 1 trials and GU cancers). He is also involved in translational research aspects related to precision medicine (MOSCATO, MATCH R and PETRUS program). Dr Massard has contributed to over 180 peer-reviewed publications, including publications in European Urology, Annals of Oncology and Journal of Clinical Oncology. He is also a member of the editorial boards of Bulletin du Cancer, Investigational New Drugs, and European Journal of Cancer.